UNISON surveys
UNISON carries out regular surveys of school support staff to help us in our campaigns. We also share our findings with other organisations and use them in presenting evidence to the Education Select Committee. Survey reports are listed below.
Violence in schools survey 2024 - a survey of 8,000 support staff.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Guardian
Sexism in schools survey 2024 - carried out in conjunction with UK Feminista.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Guardian
Teaching on the cheap - How deploying teaching assistants to cover for teachers is compromising their value and impact, Dr Rob Webster 2024 – quantitative research involving nearly 6000 TAs looking at the extent and impact of TA cover for teachers.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Guardian
School and college technicians survey 2024 – a survey of school technicians carried out in conjunction with Preproom.
Read the UNISON press release
School support staff cost of living survey 2023 - a survey of 13,000 support staff for ‘Stars in our Schools’.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Mirror
Special educational needs and disabilities (England) survey 2023 – a survey of 2800 staff in England working with learners with SEND.
Supporting pupils at school with health needs survey 2023 – a survey of 2500 staff in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Read the article in the TES
School support staff cost of living survey 2022 – a survey of 6,600 support staff for ‘Stars in Our Schools’.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Independent
From Covid to the Cost of Living: The crises remaking the role of teaching assistants, Dr Rob Webster, University of Portsmouth 2022 – qualitative research looking at changes to the TA role post-Pandemic.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the Guardian
Teaching Assistants | The Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic, Dr Rob Webster, UCL/IOE 2021 - quantitative research involving over 9000 TAs looking at their role during the Pandemic
Read the article in the Guardian
UNISON support staff pay survey 2021 – a survey of 6,900 support staff for ‘Stars in our Schools’.
Read the UNISON press release
School technicians survey 2019 – a survey of 500 members working in technical roles in UK schools.
Read the UNISON press release
Read the article in the TES
Impact of school cuts - a survey of teaching assistants 2019 – a survey of 4500 teaching assistants working in UK schools.
Read the UNISON press release
Pastoral support staff 2018 – a survey of 3,000 UNISON members whose roles typically involve supporting teaching, learning and pupil welfare.
Read the UNISON press release
Lessons in austerity - school support staff survey 2018 – a survey of 12,000 support staff.
Read the UNISON press release
School catering staff survey 2017 – a survey of 1,200 school kitchen staff.
Read the UNISON press release
Workload and stress 2016 – a survey of 14,000 school support staff across the UK.
Read the UNISON press release
School business managers 2015 – a survey of 800 school business managers.
Read the UNISON press release
Voices from the school office 2014 – a survey of 2350 administrative staff in schools.
Teaching assistants 2013 – a survey of 8,000 teaching assistants.
Read the UNISON press release
The evident value of teaching assistants - views of headteachers 2013 – a survey of 210 school leaders.
Read the UNISON press release
Primary pupils' reading programme shows effective way for schools to help close disadvantage gap - October 2019
The latest trials by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) find more evidence of the positive impact of targeted interventions for struggling readers. The reading skills of primary pupils can be boosted by an additional two months when they are made to think about, question and summarise different texts, according to new research. The intervention researched, 'Reciprocal Reading', can be carried out by teachers or teaching assistants. Find out more here.
Promising numeracy intervention delivered by teaching assistants
The Education Endowment Foundation tested 1stclass@number, a programme delivered by teaching assistants which provides intensive support for pupils struggling with maths. Their evaluation found that pupils who received 1stclass@number made, on average, two additional months’ progress in maths. Find out more here.
The deployment of teaching assistants
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) carries out research into how teaching assistants can have the most impact in the classroom. The findings have been used to create a guidance report for schools, 'Making best use of teaching assistants', which contains seven evidence-based recommendations for maximising the impact of TAs. The report highlights the importance of high quality training and says that teaching assistants should be seen as an effective way of complementing teachers, rather than replacing them. UNISON, which represents more than 150,000 teaching assistants in the UK, has long argued that the vital role teaching assistants play in boosting quality and standards should be backed up by greater investment in the workforce. The seven recommendations are:
1. TAs should not be used as an informal teaching resource for low-attaining pupils.
2. Use TAs to add value to what teachers do, not to replace them: it is important that they supplement, rather than replace, the teacher.
3. Use TAs to help pupils develop independent learning skills and to manage their own learning.
4. Ensure TAs are fully prepared for their role in the classroom: schools should provide sufficient time for TA training and for teachers and TAs to meet outside lesson time.
5. Use TAs to deliver high-quality one-to-one and small-group support, using structured interventions.
6. Use interventions with reliable evidence of effectiveness. These sessions are often:
a. brief (20-50 minutes)
b. regular (three to five times a week)
c. sustained (over a period of between eight and 20 weeks)
7. Ensure explicit connections are made between everyday classroom teaching and structured interventions: interventions should extend work done during whole-class lessons.
An online course has been developed for those in school leadership roles which explains the guidance.
The EEF have since carried out research into TA interventions using rigourous methodology and found that all six projects involving TA-led literacy/numeracy interventions have shown positive impacts on pupil’s learning, typically adding around three to four additional months progress. Encouragingly, there are signs that these interventions disproportionality benefit low attaining and pupils eligible for Free School Meals, and so could be effective approaches to ‘narrow the gap’. Importantly, the positive effects observed in these projects only occur when TAs work in structured settings with high-quality support and training. Read more here. These findings were also reported in a Guardian newspaper article.